Allison Holdorff Polhill announced on November 10 that she has filed papers to run for the Los Angeles Unified School District School Board against incumbent Steve Zimmer in District 4.
The long-time Pacific Palisades resident is the mother of three children, who attended Palisades Elementary, Paul Revere Middle School and Palisades High School.
Holdorff Polhill was co-chair on parent boards at Pali Elementary and Paul Revere, and was responsible for helping guide schools through charter renewals. For the past six years, she was the elected parent member of the Palisades Charter High School Board, and even served as board president. Her mantra has always been “Students First.”

After Holdorff Polhill’s youngest child graduated from PaliHi last year and she was no longer on the PaliHi board, the Loyola Law School graduate decided she wanted to do something she felt could make a difference. “I have unique depth and breadth of being on these boards,” she told the News on Nov. 10
Although the five public schools in the Palisades are top-notch, thanks in part to strong parent-teacher partnerships, and there are waiting lists to get in, that is not true in much of LAUSD.
“I’m running to serve all students,” Holdorff Polhill said. “The [LAUSD] Board is not student focused and I want to bring that focus to the board.” Steve Zimmer is the current board president.
Holdorff Polhill said she also wants to tackle the budget, noting that LAUSD has $13 billion in unfunded lifetime health ben- efits and ran a $600 million deficit last year.
The election will held March 16, 2017. Visit or call (310) 804-8424 for more information.
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