Life-Changing Opportunity
Your recent article about our local delegates to California’s Girls’ State and Boys’ State programs brought back many wonderful memories for me. In 1949, I was chosen as the first Girls’ State delegate from my little Indian high school on the Yakima Indian Reservation in Washington State.
It changed the course of my life as I was elected Governor of Girls’ State and chosen to attend Girls’ Nation in Washington, D.C. I still have the picture of me standing beside President Harry Truman on the steps of the Capitol Building.
Girls’ State changed the course of my life. It took me from the Yakima Indian Reservation to 60 years of teaching and writing about the wonderful country we’re privileged to live in. Many of those years were spent teaching in The Village School and Calvary Christian School right here in the Palisades.
Congratulations to all our wonderful new Boys’ and Girls’ State delegates.
Jan Houghton Lindsey
No Parking Even on Weekend
I wanted to put the word out to people parking on Radcliffe that the 700 and 800 blocks are permit parking only. Only two hours are allowed every day.
I was aware of this while at my mom’s one Sunday. I moved my car before time was up, but when I left I found I had a ticket for $68.
I drove up the street to see if parking enforcement was still around and found them on Haverford. I asked them why I had been given a ticket because I had moved my car, and one of the ladies just laughed at me and said, “You took the ticket off your car and moved it.” What ticket? This was the only one I had. She was smoking and cigarette smoke wafted into my car, and I could see arguing was pointless, so I said I would dispute it.
I went online to the L.A. City Parking site and followed instructions. I got a reply that if I had a problem with parking enforcement that I needed to fill out another form, but the ticket still stood.
Needless to say, I gave up and paid it, but wanted to let others know. I’m guessing they figure it is the Palisades and people have money so they might as well hit the area as much as they can.
We will probably have to get a parking permit (more money to the city) just to park a car in front of my mother’s house. This feels very unnatural.
Hilary Russell
Ngwenyama and Symphony
In a recent issue of Post 283 News, it was reported that former Palisadian Nokuthula Ngwenyama would be performing in Santa Monica.
The article mentioned her accomplishments as a viola player over the years, soloing with symphony orchestras and chamber groups in cities in this country and abroad.
That brought to mind the times when Palisadians could enjoy the considerable talent of this young violinist at performances in Palisades Elementary, later in junior and high school at Crossroads School. Her name and recognition of her virtuosity on violin as well as viola soon became known outside Los Angeles, California and the United States.
There was one thing missing in the article, minor perhaps in the great scheme of things, but nevertheless important as a stepping-stone for Nokuthula’s later success. Like many other young local talents then and now, she participated in the Young Artist Competitions arranged every spring by Palisades Symphony and won the opportunity to perform a concerto movement, as a soloist with the orchestra.
The June concerts featuring the young winners are a highlight of the orchestra’s season. Winning this opportunity at all three levels (elementary, junior high and high school) over the years, undoubtedly gave her a valuable first experience as a soloist with a large orchestra and prepared her for what was to come.
Nokuthula, the daughter of UCLA students from di- vergent continents, was fortunate to grow up in Pacific Palisades, with the family of Charlotte Treuenfels. This wonderful woman gave her a home and a loving family and nurtured her musical talent that was obvious early in her life. She provided her with a succession of the best music teachers, even if it meant driving the child long distances to make it possible.
Charlotte and her son Ned, a professional horn player, were able to share in the early accomplishments and successes of their talented young family member. Their reward was the joy of seeing “Thula” receive an amazing array of awards, honors, and scholarships, and knowing that she would have a fulfilling life ahead of her.
Let’s hope that we will have an opportunity again some time to enjoy her playing, with or without an orchestra.
Sigrid Hofer
Congratulations and Suggestions
Congratulations on the new paper. It has an inviting and easy-to-read design, and I enjoyed reading it, cover to cover.
But your masthead is incomplete. Your e-mail address and phone number should be there (instead of only in the story on page 1). And you need a mailing address, even if only a post office box number.
As a former newspaper reporter, I’m looking forward to the next issue.
Art Detman
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