Kudos to Homeless Count Participants
We want to thank the Palisades News for publicizing our efforts as part of the citywide Homeless Count the last week in January. So many people helped.
In the dark before dawn on Jan. 26, the first Palisadians, wearing jackets and caps, huddled at Mercer Hall on the Palisades High campus for instructions and fortifying food and coffee. Shortly after 6 a.m., nine teams left for our town’s third annual deployment as part of the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, sponsored by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA). The count went smoothly and brought information that will help us assist our homeless residents and help keep our community safer.

For sustenance that morning we thank Noah’s Bagels on Antioch Street, Vons market (for bottled water and Starbucks coffee) at Sunset and PCH, and Ralphs market on Sunset (fruit platters). Thank you to Helga Jesson and Sharon Kilbride, who arranged for the refreshment donations and helped set up.
A big thank you to PaliHi for the use of Mercer Hall the past three years, and in particular their Operations Manager, Rocky Montz. We were fortunate to have the support of the LAPD that morning. Thank you to officers Michael Moore, Rusty Redican, Jimmy Soloman and Rick Ballesteros.
For your support and helping us count, thank you to Janet Turner, Field Representative and Constituent Services for Congressman Ted Lieu; Stephanie Cohen, Senior Field Representative for Assemblyman Richard Bloom; and Sharon Shapiro, Field Deputy (Pacific Palisades and Brentwood) from Councilman Bonin’s office.
Thank you to the 45 volunteers who braved the cold at 4:30 a.m. Without you, the count could not happen. The rains the week before and cold weather affected the count somewhat, but we can say that the number of homeless people, and encampments/vans/cars we found that morning, has been reduced from previous counts by about 50 percent. This is a huge success story for the community and PPTFH, The People Concern (formerly OPCC), and the LAPD.
Finally, we thank Kristen and Doug McCormick. Each year they organize the volunteer process and input data to LAHSA on the day of the count.
Kim Clary and David Morena
LAHSA Site Coordinators for the Homeless Count
Pacific Palisades and Board Members
Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness
Resident Challenges Others To Do Good Deeds
I’ve been thinking. So many people are stuck in all this negativity going on, I was trying to think of something that would pull them out of it. Now: 2017 has been declared The Year of Kindness.
Every month this year, there will be a Good Deed Challenge. I, Wendy Fierstein, challenge all Palisadians to do a good deed during the month of February. Challenge your friends and ask them to challenge their friends—let’s get the word out.
No good deed is too small. It could be calling or visiting a lonely elderly person (even your own grandparent), or visiting the sick, or smiling at your grouchy neighbor. It could be taking food to the animal shelter, or adopting a pet. It could involve $$$ or none at all. It could be volunteering at a soup kitchen or helping to deliver meals. You choose.
Whatever good deed you decide to do, post it on social media, email or even call or text your friends, so that others will be inspired to accept the Good Deed Challenge.
If we each flip the light switch and let the light in, the darkness that’s in our world today will soon fade away. To see what I’ve been doing so far, go to my Facebook page.
Wendy Fierstein
(Editor’s note: Fierstein has lived in the Palisades since 1988. We love her idea and are accepting her challenge. Join us.)
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