Succulent Thefts On the Increase in Pacific Palisades

Various succulent plants, which are drought-resistant and becoming increasingly popular in landscaping, are being snatched at various locations in Pacific Palisades.

Marquez Knolls resident Haldis Toppel, who sends out electronic community advisory messages, reported on November 5: “There have been increasing reports in the neighborhood about stolen plants, especially succulents. Some were taken with roots; some succulents were cut at the bottom and removed. Some succulents have medicinal value, others are rather expensive to purchase, especially when they are mature and large. The plants grow slowly.”

At the east Marquez/Sunset landscaped traffic island adopted by PRIDE, a nonprofit organization committed to the beautification of Pacific Palisades, several succulents were stolen (with roots), and lavender wascutoff so low that the plants died.

The organization also reported that succulents have been stolen from other areas in the Palisades that they planted and support.

David Card, who oversaw the Rotary Club’s landscaping and planting project at the corner of PCH and Temescal Canyon Road, reported on November 5: “Officer Moore, I just sent in a ‘Los Angeles Crime Stoppers’ tip . . . There was theft of an aloe arborescens ‘Lutea’, or golden torch aloe-plant at the Pump Station on Temescal at PCH. I noticed it was missing a few weeks ago.

“I am glad that you and LAPD are tracking plant thefts and vandalism,” Card said, predicting “With water shortage and more low-water need plantings, we’ll see a lot more of this crime.”

LAPD Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore said that plant thefts are a crime and should be reported.

“If an entire plant is stolen it should be reported as a theft (310) 444-0703. If a part of the plant is cut off (and it is clear it is not the work of an animal feeding) then a vandalism report should be taken,” Moore said. “Please make sure anyone calling the LAPDfront desk verifies the name of the person answering the phone before doing anything else. This will allow me to find out where I can help.”

If you have difficulty filling out a report, contact Moore at

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