Council District 11 Debate
The four candidates that are running for the LAUSD District 4 seat have been in numerous forums. I haven’t seen any similar forums/debates set for City Council District 11. Do you know if any are planned?
Editor’s note: See this latest story.
Pedestrians Vs. Vehicles
A recent L.A. Times story noted that in downtown L.A. last year, 34 pedestrians were killed when struck by a vehicle as they walked in a crosswalk or unmarked crosswalk—“about a 134 percent increase from 2015,” according to an LAPD captain. The Times wrote that the increase “could be a result of drivers and pedestrians looking at their phones, especially social media, and not paying attention to the road,” the captain said. Need he say more?
Crosswalks Finally Painted
Two crosswalks at Radcliffe Avenue and Bowdoin were painted Jan. 31. It had been so long since the last time they were painted, it was hard to see the lines. Thank you to the City of Los Angeles for finally getting around to doing this. At that same corner, there is a median that looks awful. It would be nice if someone would adopt it, clean it up and plant it.
Reducing Traffic on Sunset
In your Jan. 18 story, “Bonin Addresses Sunset Traffic Issues,” he says he asked for a 40 percent reduction of traffic, but if you read it closely, 28 percent of that comes from adding 265 students and keeping trips the same. He’s actually only getting a 12 percent reduction (over four years) from what it is already. What’s wrong with requiring more buses, like they do at Archer?
(Editor’s note: Seventy percent of Archer students are required to use buses or vans.)
Genesis Opened Monday
I don’t know if Palisades residents know this, but on Monday the top college golfers in the country compete at the Riviera. It’s a great chance to see the future of the sport. The winner then gets to play in the tournament with the pros on Wednesday. Last year, Charlie Danielson, a senior at the University of Illinois, earned the exemption and actually made the cut on Friday.
Smoking Pot at the Park
Please don’t smoke pot at the playground at the Palisades Recreation Center. I know it may be legal for you to do so, but it’s highly inappropriate and is unwanted by those of us with little kids.
If you’d like to share something you’ve “heard about town,” please email it to
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