Senate Bill 649, the bill that eliminates local control over cell towers in the public right of way and on public property statewide, passed by only a few votes in the Assembly on 9/13 and the Senate on 9/14.
Our elected officials (ASM Bloom and Sen. Allen) both voted no. PPCC strongly supports local control and also opposes SB 649, along with the California Dept. of Finance, the City and County of Los Angeles, Mayor Garcetti, Councilmembers Bonin and Koretz, and the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC).
PPCC will write the Governor and urge a veto as well. Individual constituents and groups are encouraged to write to Gov. Brown ASAP. Email Governor Jerry Brown via his Legislative Secretary Tom Dyer, tom.dyer@ (preferred contact method), or call (916) 445-2841.
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