Palisadian Kelly Comras, a landscape architect, will survey Ruth Shell- horn’s career and her extraordinary achievements in a lecture based on her book, Ruth Shellhorn (University of Geor- gia Press) on Monday, Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the Palisades Woman’s Club on Haverford.
The Palisades Garden Club event is free, no reservation is required, but there is lim- ited seating. A reception and book signing will follow the program.

Photo: Bart Bartholomew
Shellhorn (1909-2006) developed the landscaping design concepts for Bullock’sdepartment stores and for Disneyland. News writer Libby Motika detailed the book in her May 4 News story, “Comras Highlights Landscape Architect Shellhorn.”
Comras will also speak at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22 at the Virginia Robinson Gardens, 1008 Elden Way, Beverly Hills. There will be a reception prior to the talk and a book signing after the program. Advanced tickets can be purchased by calling (310) 550-2068.
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