Physical Abuse Issues to be Discussed at Kehillat Israel Panel

A panel of experts will discuss “Exploding the Myth: There IS Abuse in Jewish Homes” at 4 p.m. on Sunday, October 15 in the Kehillat Israel sanctuary, 16019 Sunset Blvd.

This is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and the panel will explore a range of abusive behaviors, including jealousy, possessiveness, isolation, shaming, intimidation and physical harm.

Despite the fact that domestic abuse occurs in the Jewish community at the same rate as the general population, many don’t believe it does; and that denial creates bar- riers for those who need support.

Statistics show that nearly five million U.S. women experience physical violence by a partner. Ten million U.S. children are exposed to domestic violence; and LGBTQ men and women have a greater likelihood of experiencing domestic violence.

One in three adolescents is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner, and girls and young women ages 16-24 experience the highest rate of intimate partner violence.

The panel consists of Steven Carr Reuben (Rabbi emeritus at KI), Naomi Ackerman (founder and executive director of The Advot Project, performing a dramatic monologue “Flowers Aren’t Enough”), Patti Giggans (executive director of Peace Over Violence) and Kitty Glass (outreach coordinator, Family Violence Project of Jewish Family Service).

For more information, visit

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