A hearing will be held, sometime after 4:30 p.m., on Wednesday, July 19, to consider the appeal made because of the L.A. City Director of Planning’s approval of a Coastal Development permit to three proposed homes on Earlham Street.
The hearing will be held at the Henry Medina West L.A. Parking Enforcement Facility, 11214 West Exposition Blvd.
Developer Reza Akef, Metro Capital Builders, is requesting permission to construct three 10,000-sq.-ft. homes on Earlham (15210, 15214 and 15218). Each will have an attached garage, swimming pool and deck. Retaining walls will be along the property line and a haul route will need to be approved. The proposed construction site is within the Single Permit Jurisdiction area of the Coastal Zone.
All the testimony presented at the hearing, written communications received prior to or at the hearing, and the merits of the project as it relates to existing environmental and land use regulations will be considered. Staff contact is Griselda Gonzales at (213) 978-1210 or Griselda.Gonzalez@lacity.org.
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