Thank You, Lou!
Lou Kamer, the Pacific Palisades Community Council’s at-large representative, took a generator and a weed whacker to the median between the Palisades High School baseball field and Temescal Gateway Park. That median at Sunset and Temescal is a big improvement, thanks to Lou.
Paparazzi Stalk Star
Sadly, there were six or seven paparazzi hanging around the Methodist Church parking lot, waiting for one of the parishioners to come out. I would think that since it’s a private parking lot, the church security company could ask the photographers to leave.
Yea! Bruce
Pride President Bruce Schwartz not only planted petunias in the medians at Sunset and Chautauqua, but over Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, he put flags in the flower beds. I love a person who doesn’t wait for the city to do something but takes matters into their own hands.
Roman Is Gone
One of the best-known faces in the village is gone. Roman, the parking attendant at the S.M. Land and Water (TOPA) building, is no longer here due to a change in the parking company.
Village Books Memory
This would have been the 20th anniversary of the Village Books store on Swarthmore. It opened 1997 on July 4. I wish it were still here. I like that the Palisades Library has a little bookstore, but there is nothing like a cozy place where authors would come to speak and one could have a glass of wine and listen.
Dismayed By Drones
There were so many drones flying around and through the fireworks, I couldn’t help but wish they would crash into each other—or maybe just get hit by fireworks and fall from the sky.
Ice Cream Competition
We already have a great ice cream shop in Pacific Palisades with Sweet Rose, and the owners opened here when we didn’t have anyone, so I feel some loyalty. I think it’s okay that Caruso is bringing a second ice cream shop here, because of capitalism and competition, but the town could really use a cupcake shop.
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