Among recent Pacific Palisades crimes was the theft of a resident’s catalytic convertor, a crime that has been on the uptick in Los Angeles according to the LAPD.
“The Greater Los Angeles Area has been experiencing thefts of catalytic converters, machinery underneath the car made of precious metals, that requires your car to run properly. It can cost up to $2,000 to replace your catalytic converter if stolen, and it is illegal to drive without one,” the LAPD West Los Angeles Division said in a notice.
See notice below:
Palisades Crime Update submitted by LAPD Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore
800 Lachman Lane, 3/13/20 between 5 PM and 9 PM. The suspect smashed a window to enter victim’s home and took jewelry and money.
16600 Marquez Avenue, 3/14/20 at 3:20 AM. The suspect (male black, nfd) smashed the glass and then cut a security gate to enter victim’s business. The suspect took medication and fled.
Burglary/Theft from Vehicle
500 E Channel Rd, 3/3/20 btwn 5:40 AM and 6:05 AM. The suspect took a suit case from the open trunk of victim’s vehicle.
900 Embury, 3/5/20 btwn 6:35 PM and 7:35 PM. The suspect removed the catalytic converter from victim’s vehicle.