The Malibu Orchid Society will holds its monthly meeting at the Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 7 p.m. The PPWC is located at 901 Haverford Avenue.
Arthur Pinkers
Will speak on:
“The Unique Coelogyne Orchid and Its Culture”
The genus Coelogyne comprises about 196 species, most of which are easy to grow and produce elegant long-lasting fragrant flowers. Coelogyne species are distributed from India throughout Southeast Asia, Southwest China, the Philippines and the islands of Indonesia. These cool-growing orchids from the Himalayan region of India and Asia should be much more popular with orchid hobbyists.

Pinkers’ talk will consider the most popular Coelogyne cristata, Coelogyne mooreana, and Coelogyne mossiae that are among the largest flowered in the genus, and discuss their cultural requirements and specific needs.
Arthur’s passion for orchids began more than forty years ago when as a 16-year-old, he acquired a plant, Slc Glittering Jewel. Since his teen years, he has been smitten by the “orchid bug.” Arthur has been an active Accredited Judge of the American Orchid Society for more than 20 years and serves as a photographer and as Chair of Information for the Pacific South Judging region.
Pinkers grew up in the Seattle area and attended Western Washington University, graduating with a B.S. in Chemistry and Biology. For many years he worked as a chemist and had the good fortune of having his dream job as the Lab Director for Beall Orchid Company until shortly before it closed in 1990. Arthur and his wife Marge live in Santa Clarita, where he has learned to grow orchids in extreme conditions, very different from his native Pacific Northwest. Pinkers is a very popular speaker at MOS. His presentations are always lively and informative. Don’t miss learning about this fascinating and rewarding orchid.
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