Residents are reminded that if they live at an even-numbered address, they can only water landscaping for eight minutes maximum, before 9 a.m. or after 4 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Even-numbered residences have the same time restrictions on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Hand watering is allowed any day of the week before 9 a.m. or after 4 p.m.
“A lawn will die with that watering system,” said landscape contractor Stephen Baldonado, who recommends replacing the standard spray system with rotating nozzles, which are offered with a rebate by Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
Those nozzles are classified like a drip irrigation system and can run 15 minutes twice a day on watering days.
“Rotators and drip systems operate at 40 spi, which utilizes water more efficiently,” said Baldonado, who contacted DWP about enforcement. “They haven’t started enforcing watering restrictions, yet, but plan to implement them in the next few months.”
As one walks around Pacific Palisades and sees sprinklers going off mid-day and on Saturdays, it appears that many residents may have lost guidelines for setting their sprinklers. Baldonado recommends going to Google and feeding in the system name. “Most guides can be found online.”
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