Pacific Palisades Democratic Club To Hold Healthcare/Environment Forum

The Pacific Palisades Democratic Club will host a distinguished panel of experts to discuss healthcare and environmental activism in California from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 25, at the Woman’s Club, 901 Haverford Ave. The public is invited.

State Senator Ben Allen will be joined by four knowledgeable speakers:

  • Dr. Paul Song, a board member of the Campaign for a Healthy California and a member of Physicians for a National Health Program.
  • Mari Lopez of the California Nurses Association, who will address Senate Bill 562 (State Single Payer System).
  • David Pettit, senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Counsel, who will speak about protecting our state’s environmental policies.
  • RL Miller, chair of the California Democratic Party Environmental Caucus and founder of Climate Hawks Vote.

Audience members will have the chance to meet with organizers and learn how to join the fight to make healthcare a right and defend our environment.

Questions? Call (310) 230-2084, visit or email

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