A Shocking Sight
I was walking down the sidewalk and saw a teen walking towards me on the sidewalk reading a book. I did a double take: walking and reading a book? All you ever see is kids texting on their phones.
Thanks to Lisa Cahill
Thank you to Councilman Mike Bonin’s field deputy Lisa Cahill for her efforts and hard work. We have been bothering her for months about how awful Palisades Drive has become and how the roadway needs to be replaced. The city crews arrived on April 25 to begin the process of removing the old asphalt and creating a “new” Palisades Drive.

New Sidewalk on Albright
I live close to the Caruso project and I just received a letter announcing that Albright Street will be partially closed for about two months, starting May 7, while they install “new sidewalks, curbs and gutters.” Two months seems excessive. What’s going on?
(Editor’s note: Back on March 29, the News asked the DWP why it was once again digging up Via de la Paz next to the electrical substation. A worker explained that the electricity for Palisades Village must come from the vault at Sunset and Via and will be routed along Albright to the corner of Mon- ument. Check with the Caruso people; this two-month project probably has more to do with the DWP than the new sidewalk.)
Highlands Eldercare Query
I feel that some members of the Pacific Palisades Community Council were a little devious at the West Los Angeles Planning Commission hearing for the eldercare facility in the Highlands. They announced they were from the PPCC, but were speaking as private individuals. Why would they even say PPCC, unless they were trying to make themselves more credible?
Who Speaks for Me?
The Community Council says it speaks for the residents of Pacific Palisades, but they certainly don’t speak for me. What should I do?
(Editor’s note: If you believe that your area representative or at-large member is not speaking for you, please consider running for a seat on the board. Elections will be held this year. Visit pacpalicc.org.)
Monument Shout Out
After numerous long-time vacancies, it’s nice to see new businesses in the 970 Monument building (corner of Sunset): Mi-Lina & Co. (jewelry) and Bellacures (nail salon). BOCA (women’s clothing), a long-time Swarthmore favorite, is opening in May and Kim Kedeshian will open her restaurant Armav (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in the fall.
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