Palisades News Letters: Excited about Caruso Project

I have lived in Pacific Palisades for 15 years. My husband and I, and our three boys (ages 16, 12 and 10) are beyond excited for the Caruso project to be completed.

Our little town needed to be revamped and developed. It was so sad and looked like a ghost town with nowhere to shop, eat or be entertained. Looks like we will get all those things accomplished close to our home!

I am so excited that we will be able to walk to dinner, a movie, or to just grab something from the grocery or specialty stores. I think it’s hard for many to even imagine what it’s going to be like, but I know it will be a huge improvement, and not to mention all of the free community programming and events. Caruso has top-notch special events on all of their properties, and I know Palisades will be no different. We can’t wait!

Kelsey Clark

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