Palisades News Letters: Facts Wrong about Entrada Drive

Your June 7 article on the new Entrada Drive sidewalk had misstatements of facts.

The original grant about nine years ago was only for replacing a narrow footpath on the south side with an ADA-compliant sidewalk. Over 50 north-side neighbors (98% of those approached) signed a petition requesting a south-side sidewalk.

In fact, there was never any mention of a north-side sidewalk improvement. In short, neighbors felt having  something on the south side was better than next to nothing. If they already crossed the street to use the “footpath,” they would be better off crossing to use a real sidewalk. Additionally, the south side had many joggers and walkers either in the gutter or using the footpath. Hence, the new sidewalk is a benefit for the whole community and not limited to residents on the south side as implied in the article. The sidewalk is free to use for all Americans and visitors alike.

There is a community effort towards returning the painted crosswalk at the bus stop at Stassi Lane and Entrada Drive. Thus, servicing north-side residents who feel the existing four-foot-wide north sidewalk is inadequate, but who never applied for any grant or complained until a south sidewalk was granted.

Unpainted crosswalks exist at every intersection on Entrada and nothing prohibits households on the north side to use the new sidewalk.

The design of the sidewalk and not meeting the previous roadway was intentional and not a mistake or construction error. The engineers on this project took the opportunity to fix a flaw in the original road design by re-profiling or shaping the road. This should make the road safer for drivers. The re-profile of the street was done to make 

Entrada’s sharp curve at the top of the hill less dangerous. Opposition concerns to a south sidewalk were unfounded. The concern of drivers turning left onto San Lorenzo, Kingman and Stassi proved to be false. During construction, cars would not be able to go around them and we had no excessive delays, honking or accidents. It was similar to any other residential left-turn situation in the city. The north side has a sidewalk and having one on the osuth side does not prohibit the possibility of improvements to the north side.

I would have preferred having the road closed for a week and the construction done all at once. However, the City of L.A. determined what was best. In short, similar to the remodel of a home, road construction can cause short-term inconvenience, but when it is finished there are many years of enjoyment and benefit to the whole community.

Mark J. Landay
Santa Monia Canyon Civic Association Board Member
Entrada Sidewalk Co-Chair

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