Survey results reveal positive feedback for outdoor dining setups amid municipal ordinance changes
Last week we asked readers for their feedback on outdoor dining setups that many restaurants shifted to during the pandemic. We conducted this survey amid a backdrop of municipalities – including Santa Monica and LA – passing and proposing ordinances that require new permit applications and fees for restaurants hoping to maintain their outdoor dining.
Here are the results.
The first question we asked was “Have you enjoyed the expanded outdoor dining options that many restaurants shifted to during the pandemic? In total, we collected 405 responses with 91 percent answering “Yes”.
Next, we asked, “Do you think expanded outdoor dining should be a permanent option?” While an overwhelming number of 408 respondents answered “Yes”, it was not by quite the same margin, accounting for 87 percent of the responses.
Finally we asked ‘Do you think elected officials should remove barriers – such as streamlining the permitting process and keeping fees minimal – to help keep restaurants operating these outdoor dining areas?” The results to this were similar, with 85 percent answering “Yes”.
To learn more about the topic, check out this article we ran last week