LAPD’s Moore Warns Palisadians of Burglary Increase

At the Pacific Palisades Community Council meeting on Thursday, Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore warned residential burglaries remain high in the Palisades and most often happen between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

“The trend started in July, averaging between five and seven a week,” Moore said, noting that a screen on a window was not a deterrent: that criminals are in and out fast, usually taking money and jewelry.

Nov. 3: Akron: A suspect removed a window screen to enter victim’s home and took money.

Nov. 5: Bollinger: A suspect smashed a window, entered took a purse and wallet. Arbramar. A suspect smashed a glass door to enter victim’s home and took jewelry and a safe. Eskine: A suspect smashed a glass door to enter and took jewelry.

Nov. 7: Via de la Paz: A suspect pried a window open to enter, unknown if anything was taken. Palisar Place. A suspect attempted to open a door on victim’s home causing alarm activation. Suspect fled the area without entering victim’s home. Sunset. A suspect removed a screen to enter an open window at victim’s home and took jewelry.

Nov. 8: Brinkley: A suspect en- tered victim’s home through an unlocked door and took jewelry.

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