The Post 283 Newsletter has again taken first place in national American Legion competition.
The latest award (for Legion posts in the 250-750 member category) was announced on August 29 at the American Legion National Convention in Cincinnati. Posts in St. Louis and St. George, Utah, took second and third.
This was the first year that Post 283 News Graphics Director Manfred Hofer had his work entered in the contest, and he took second place for his layouts.
Since the Post 283 Newsletter came into existence under then-Commander Scott Wagenseller in 2014, it has won at the state level three years in a row. On the national level, the newspaper took first place two years ago and second last year.

and past Post 283 Commander Scott Wagen-
seller accepted the first-place plaque for the
Post 283 Newsletter on behalf of Editor Sue
Pascoe at the National Legion Convention.
Photo: Jared Morgan
The monthly paper, with Sue Pascoe as editor, strives to present stories that illustrate Post 283’s mission of supporting veterans, national security, youth and Americanism. Contributing to the paper have been writers Laurel Busby and Jared Morgan.
The paper was mailed to every household in Pacific Palisades through July, when the new executive board decided to send it only to members.
Wagenseller is also founder, owner and publisher of the Palisades News, published the first and third Wednesday of every month and mailed free to every household in town.
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