Pacific Palisades Community Council Elections Results Announced

by Sue Pascoe

The Pacific Palisades Community Council released the results of its election for eight Area representatives and one At-Large representative on Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 7.

Running unopposed and winning their respective seats were Katie Braude (Area 1); Peter Culhane (Area 2); Rick Mills (Area 4), Cathy Russell (Area 7) and Reza Akef (Area 8).

In Area 3 (the Marquez area), Danielle Samulon defeated Peter Zomber (120-106). Both are lawyers and both were anti-mansionization candidates.

In Area 5 (the Alphabet Streets and the hillside areas above Bestor), incumbent Sue Kohl beat Sandy Eddy (195-123). Eddy, a former Chamber of Commerce president, argued that Kohl had not asked the hard questions during the Caruso development hearings. Eddy’s concession statement said, “Although we did not win the Area 5 seat, we have won the acknowledgement that there are many points of view in our neighborhood that need to be given voice. We will continue and redouble our efforts with the Shell station project, Caruso project and other important issues to Area 5.”

Photo credit: Brian Deming for PPCC
Photo credit: Brian Deming for PPCC

In Area 6, incumbent David Kaplan edged challenge Eric Marshall by just one vote. As the Area alternate, Kaplan chaired the land-use committee that worked with Caruso. Marshall’s campaign brought a fresh perspective to the discussion. There was a one vote difference between the two men.

At-large candidate Lou Kamer defeated Quentin Fleming (647 to 545), who had served most of the year as the position’s alternate. When the At-large representative George Wolfberg became PPCC vice president in July, Fleming replaced him.

The number of written ballots versus electronic ballots in each Area will be released at the PPCC meeting on Thursday night, along with the number of disqualified ballots in each contest.

(Editor’s Note: Area 6 resident and former Area 6 Representative Stuart Muller has requested an independent audit of the 2016 Pacific Palisades Community Council Election between Area 6 candidates Eric Marshall and David Kaplan.)

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