Submitted by LAPD Senior Lead Officer James Allen
17600 block of Posetano Road. 2/03/21 to 2/04/21 between 1500hrs and 0700hrs. The unknown suspect or suspects cut the gated fence to the construction site to gain entry onto the property. The suspect or suspects selected the victim’s property and fled the location with victim’s property.
Burglary/Theft from Vehicle
900 block of Iliff Street Between 02/4/21 at 01:30hrs. The unknown male Hispanic was caught and confronted by the victim using an unknown cutting tool to remove victim’s catalytic converter
1200 block of Rimmer street. 2/4/21 at 01:39Hrs. The Unknown male Hispanic parked his vehicle next to the victim’s parked vehicle and used a unknown cutting tool to remove victim’s catalytic converter.
The Los Angeles Police Department recently noted in a bulletin that burglary/theft from vehicle “are on the rise in West LA, particularly in the Pacific Palisades.”
Sunset/Temescal on 2/3/21 at 12:30hrs. The unknown male Hispanic used a shopping cart to smash the glass poster board at the bus stop on sunset. the suspect fled on foot in an unknown direction.