Kids were the big winner in the inaugural Texas Hold’em tournament, held by the Pacific Palisades Rotary Club on Sept. 20.
More than $8,000 was raised to support youth programs through the Rotary Club Foundation and the Palisades-Malibu YMCA. From novice players to “Palisades Fats” tournament chairman Peter Crosby, 54 entrants did their best to win the pot in “The All in for the Kids” event at the American Legion Hall.
The $200 entry fee included food, beverages and a lesson on how to play Texas Hold’em.
The winning player, “Palisades Fats” himself, received $3,000, and to show there were absolutely no “under the table” shenanigans, Crosby immediately donated his winnings to the YMCA and Rotary Club.
Other players in the money were Curt Sobel, Mike Crosby and Stephen Hale.
Said co-organizer Layth Carlson, chair of the YMCA Board of Managers: “This event brought in funds that are urgently needed by the Y to provide financial assistance to local families in need. Y’s programs provide healthy fun for everyone, and donations to the Y are tax deductible.”
Peter Crosby, a member of the Y and Rotary boards, hopes to expand the Texas Hold’em event next year.
“Everyone participating in the tournament got the opportunity to learn a little bit more about playing, a great dinner from Vittorio’s, and had a fun evening here in our great town,” Crosby said. “We hope everyone will plan to play again next year and, in the meantime, we invite them to visit the Rotary Club to see all the great service work that is made possible by their donations to this event.”
Sponsorships included donations from the Coldwell Banker Palisades office, Mario Smolinisky and Cindy and Bill Simon. Several local Coldwell Banker agents, including branch manager Anne Russell, Holly Davis, Inne Chung, Lauren Polan, Jon Cates and Robbie Howard, also anted up. Other donors included Fran Flanigan, Sharon Rubel, Linda Easton and Lisa Morrin.
Special thanks were given to Legion Post 283 and Rotary Club Foundation Chairman Kevin Niles.
The Rotary Club Foundation donates funds to local causes, including Boy Scouts and Access Books. The Rotary motto, “Service Above Self,” guides the club’s weekly meetings, held Thursdays at 7:30 a.m. at Aldersgate Retreat Center on Haverford. Visitors are welcome.
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