Palisades News Letters: Addressing Opiate Addiction

Kids’ Input Sought for Project

(Editor’s note: Lou Kamer, who serves as the Pacific Palisades Community at-large member, has undertaken local projects that can be completed by residents, rather than waiting for government aid. He and a team of volunteers recently widened and cleaned the trail along the south side of Chautauqua.)

PaliWork is for everyone who lives in the Palisades. It shines when people decide to participate, in whatever way they can. We had such a great time working on Project Number 1 (Chautauqua) that we decided to do another.

Our kids rarely get to choose anything other than yogurt and an app, but one day they will shape the future of our town. So, it is only fitting that they pick the next project. PaliWork will help them in any way, but the next project to improve the Palisades should be their choice.

So, this is a call for the kids ages 5 to 18 years old to come up with ideas. Ask your kids. Share this letter. Bring it up at school assemblies; then reply with their ideas (or let them do it).

Help them experience the power to improve their world, work in teams, and realize how lucky they are to live in the Palisades. Reply to Facebook

Lou Kamer


Wrong Translation

The article “Harisienne Facial Available at Oasis” caught my attention.You translate the word “ Harisienne” as Parisian girl. This is wrong, there is no such word in the French language; the correct translation for a Parisian woman is Parisienne.

From a Frenchwoman, and a Parisienne!

S. Cummings


Addressing Opiate Addiction

(Editor’s note: Bryan’s Smile, was formed after the death of Dr. Melanie Gullet’s son Bryan.)

I mentioned my husband in the story, so I wanted to provide additional information. After Bryan’s death, his stepfather Dr. George Maranon, an oral surgeon in Encino, changed the way he prescribes pain medication to his patients.

Part of the program, which is attended by both parent and youth, involves dramatic scenes being presented. Photo: Lesly Hall Photography
Part of the program, which is attended by both parent and youth, involves dramatic scenes being presented. Photo: Lesly Hall Photography

Instead of automatically prescribing narcotics, he evaluates each patient’s treatment and expected need. He explains the pros and cons of using narcotics to control pain relative to the possibilities of addiction and other side effects. Other protocols are recommended to help his patients deal with any discomfort after surgery instead of starting with a narcotic. He shares this knowledge at each Reality Tour and answers any questions that the families may have regarding prescription drugs.

With a Smile,
Melanie Gullett


Crayon Collection and Wells Fargo

Thank you for sharing our story. We love hearing people tell us that they learned about Crayon Collection in the local paper.

I’m also excited to share that we are now an international organization and have Crayon Collections in South Africa, Hong Kong, Guam, Puerto Rico, Canada, England and Australia.

I will share this article with the Wells Fargo team as I’m sure they will be very pleased.

Sheila Michail Morovati Founder/President, Crayon Collection


Palisades News welcomes all letters, which may be emailed to Please include a name, address and telephone number so we may reach you. Letters do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Palisades News.

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