Scott Wagenseller Joins American Legion’s National Security Council

Scott Wagenseller was appointed to the National Security Council of the American Legion by National Commander Michael Helm in October.

The year-long appointment places Wagenseller on a council of security and law enforcement experts and military leaders that evaluate and propose policies related to national security issues.

This past year the National Council addressed issues such as international terrorism threats, a clean-blood supply, border security, the Keystone XL Pipeline, military readiness and sequestration. The council meets in Indianapolis, Indiana and Wash- ington, D.C. several times a year.

Wagenseller will continue in his role as Commander of American Legion Post 283. He also serves in the Naval Reserve as the executive officer of Navy Security Forces in Kitsap, Washington. In addition, Wagenseller is the founder and CEO of Gates Security, which encompasses Palisades Patrol. His firm provides residential, commercial and government security.

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