State Beach Liquor Store Owner in Pacific Palisades Captures Video of Brazen Alcohol Robbery

According to A.C. Chaudhry, the store owner of State Beach Liquor Store, located at 14801 Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades, a homeless person who stole alcohol in the morning of Friday, Oct. 6 returned later that day at 5:30 p.m. and did the same thing. This time, however, he was “very bold,” according to Chaudhry, and tried to hit an employee with a bottle and got physical. 

Chaudhry called police. However, there was no immediate response, despite the suspect being located just short distance in the tunnel leading to the beach under PCH. 

At 6:40 p.m. on Friday, the store owner reported that police arrived to take a report. Below is the video, which was also submitted to police and the Santa Monica Canyon Civic Association.

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