Success Becomes Her Networking Meeting Set for March 1

Pacific Palisades entrepreneurs Dana Goldstein of Serendipity Floral Design and Jordan Catapano of This Girl Walks Into a Bar have launched a local women’s networking group—Success Becomes Her.

The next meeting is 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 1, at the Palisades Library community room. Experienced, beginning and aspiring entrepreneurs are welcome. No RSVP required.

Dana Goldstein

Goldstein and Catapano are both members of the Palisades Chamber of Commerce and are eager to meet and to connect other like-minded women who are interested in business.

The first meeting was held early this month with informal networking and then transitioned into a moderated panel with local entrepreneurs Jaimie Geller, owner of Jaimie Geller Jewelry on Antioch, Patricia Grossman, owner of Kumon Math and Reading Center of Pacific Palisades, and Kim Kedeshian, owner of K Bakery on Sunset.

Sisters Jocelyn Dunn Malbach (left) and Jordan Catapano run the drink catering com- pany This Girl Walks Into a Bar.

The March meeting will include speakers Courtney Ettus, CMO at Greenfly, Inc., and Charlene Minx, intellectual property attorney at Minx Law. The discussion will focus on each business owner’s inspiration for starting a business.

Goldstein and Catapano will moderate.

For more information, email

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