The Project Marks a Step Towards the City’s Goal of a Sustainable and Connected City
The City of Santa Monica has announced the completion of the 20th Street Bike and Pedestrian project, which closes a crucial gap in the city’s Michigan Avenue Neighborhood Greenway (MANGo) between 19th Court and 21st Street.
“The 20th Street Bike and Pedestrian project marks another step towards the city’s strategic goal of a sustainable and connected city so that residents and visitors have more ways to get around safely.” officials stated on social media.
The new improvements include a two-way protected bike lane along the east side of 20th Street, as well as widened walkways and bike paths on both sides of the I-10 freeway.
In addition, the project introduces new and upgraded bike signals, reconfigured crosswalks, curb ramps, landscaping, lighting, and fencing to improve safety and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists.