Parking Nightmare Is Coming
I would like to know where you got your information on the upcoming parking crisis (Editorial, “Change It’s a Comin’ to the Village,” July 6). There are many of us here who have been parking at the lot that is due to be demolished. We have personally contacted all the places you mentioned and gotten different answers. The Atrium [on Via] told us $200, and Chase Bank told us they rent only to customers with businesses in that building. Also, the Monument building told us they will rent only to tenants of the building.
Arlene Fink
en Route Travel
(Editor’s note: We told Fink we had received our information from Arnie Wishnick, executive director of the Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce. Fink replied, “Arnie’s answer that he walks four or five blocks after parking doesn’t work for those of us who have to go in and out several times during the day. Parking is scarce on the street now and will only get worse.”)
More Parking Challenges
(Editor’s note: Terry Bahri at en Route Travel on Sunset Boulevard shared the following letter with the News. When she was contacted about permission to print her letter she added, “There is no solution for the next two years and Arnie [Wishnick, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director] said, ‘I’m just hoping that we can all stay in business the next 18-24 months!’ Arnie will bring the matter up to City Councilman Mike Bonin.”)
Good Morning, Arnie! How are you? Hope you are not going too crazy with all the changes happening around town. I am writing to you regarding the parking situation, which I am sure you are very well aware of. Today, there was an editorial in the Palisades News about the parking situation and the newspaper mentions three parking lots that are currently accepting monthly membership (wrong!). Since we heard about the parking lot closing, our office contacted every single lot in the Palisades, and none has any available spots. Even the Atrium lot, which claims they have spots, is taking advantage of the situation by charging $200/mo., which is exorbitant! Their current members are paying $110 and now they want to charge nearly double. Totally unacceptable!
Has the Chamber been able to discuss this situation at all? Where are all the cars that are parking in the current lot going to park? The streets are going to be jammed with approximately 100+ cars trying to find spots. I don’t think anyone would be able to take two years of parking nightmares.
Terry Bahri
Spitz Disputes Published Letter
I regret that the Palisades News chose to publish (without correction) a letter from a Marquez resident containing inaccuracies about PPCC’s position on the BMO-BHO Code Amendment. PPCC’s actual position is a matter of record and has been made available to the public for several weeks; see
In fact, at the recent public meeting at Palisades High, I reiterated PPCC’s position: PPCC opposes the proposed Amendment as drafted because a one-size-fits-all solution does not work for the Palisades. The unique aspects and character of our community must be taken into account, and further revisions are necessary in order to accommodate the needs and concerns of our many neighborhoods.
I repeated this position publicly at the PPCC board meeting on June 23 (a meeting attended by, among others, an MKPOA officer and the News editor). These facts should have been made clear to the public.
As reflected in extensive meeting minutes which are available to all on the PPCC website (, I presided over three public forums on the BMO-BHO Code Amendment matter. Numerous community members, including Marquez residents, were in attendance and expressed their views. PPCC’s board reflects the diversity of the Palisades community, with 23 voting members and over 30 additional alternates and advisors from all walks of life and constituencies in the Palisades (including elected representatives from every residential area and organizational representatives from all significant Palisades organizations). Several of our board members and officers are themselves Marquez residents. PPCC’s position, reached after extensive discussion and a unanimous board vote, reflects community consensus on the matter.
I have personally reached out to Planning Dept. officials and CD11 senior staff to reiterate PPCC’s position that Code provisions must be enacted to ensure that applicable zoning rules reflect the unique character and concerns of all of the Palisades’ diverse neighborhoods.
I am proud that PPCC has been an effective community liaison to government officials.
Chris Spitz
President Emeritus, Pacific Palisades Community Council
Palisades News welcomes all letters, which may be emailed to Please include a name, address and telephone number so we may reach you. Letters do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Palisades News.
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