Two Garden Cafes
If Rick Caruso wants to attract kids, teenagers and adults to his development, one of his restaurants should try to replicate the Palisades Garden Cafe on La Cruz or maybe just have James open a second one. Same type of menu, same low prices. The Cafe is popular all day during the week, especially after school lets out, and Saturday is insane.
Allow Three Lanes
There are two-left turn lanes onto Pacific Coast Highway at the bottom of Temescal Canyon Road. During morning rush hour, people stack up in the third lane that is supposed to go straight to the beach. Instead of going straight, they then make an illegal left turn onto PCH. Why doesn’t Caltrans change the sign and allow three lanes to turn onto PCH, like they do at Sunset?
Tree Stump Query
I noticed the tree stumps in the island across from the Palisades Recreation Center and there are other stumps in the park, too. My neighbor has a big tree stump in the parkway in front of her house that is left from when a City tree fell over months ago. Does anyone know what the City does with tree stumps? Do they just leave them?
Area Representatives
I went to my first Pacific Palisades Community Council meeting. I didn’t know we could vote for area representatives and would certainly like to change the one that represents me. I also don’t understand why we can’t vote for the Community Council president.
(Editor’s note: Representatives are from eight areas of Pacific Palisades. On the PPCC’s website, you can see the different areas and also track when the next community-wide election will take place. The site also explains how officers are nominated and elected. Visit:
American Flags at Cemetery
Thanks to all the local Boy Scouts who took time on Saturday to put flags on every grave site at the National Cemetery at the West Los Angeles VA. It’s a great way for the young to honor our military, who died in defending this country. It’s also a good reminder for the rest of us, too.
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