Palisades News Letters: Nextdoor Has Guidelines

Nextdoor Forum Has Guidelines

I was notified about the “Heard About Town” comment (Jan. 18) referencing cyber bullies on Nextdoor.

Just wanted Palisades News readers to know that Nextdoor has community guidelines, which are designed to keep conversations on Nextdoor neighborly.

Nextdoor does not proactively monitor neighborhoods (with more than 120,000 neighborhoods in the U.S., we couldn’t even if we wanted to), but if anyone sees abusive behavior that violates these guidelines, they can report the problem to us, and we’ll follow up to ensure the issue is addressed.

Thank you for passing on this information.
Gordon Strause,
Nextdoor/Director of Neighborhood Operations

Bryan’s Smile Volunteers Sought

We just had the three-year angelversary of my son Bryan’s death from an accidental overdose of heroin. Since then the numbers of deaths have continued to rise across our country. Even with all the media attention, there are still many teens who are dying from drugs and I hear daily of new youth who have become addicted. Some are trying to get help while others are lost to their families.

How can we help? We will have three community programs this spring (March 23, April 20 and May 25), and I am again asking for volunteers to help make these programs even more successful than our past ones. I am setting up new speakers who are in recovery and whose experiences will be our main goal to hear. They will attract families and especially the teens.

Now that recreational marijuana is legal in California, it is more important than ever to make sure our youth realize the consequences of saying yes to drugs. If you can volunteer, please let me know as soon as possible which dates work for you. If not, please spread the word about our upcoming events.

We are still in need of more volunteers, especially teens for the peer pressure skit and arrest scene along with the mom and dad of the drug addict. Please reach out to friends to see if they would become involved, even if for just one date.

I look forward to continuing our program and thank you in advance for your help in spreading the word and/or volunteering.

Dr. Melanie Gullett

(Editor’s note: The events are held at Paul Revere Middle School and all private and public school students are invited. Visit: to learn more and to register. Email or call (310) 476-7158 for more information.)

Homelessness Is Complex

I agree with the clearing of the homeless because they are at risk of starting fires or hurting people. I think we should move them to shelters like OPCC or Upward Bound Family Place. We should also clear the brush along PCH. This would also help prevent fires, but landslides could happen. We also should do more to raise money for the Task Force on Homelessness. We need to keep in mind that the homeless are people, too.

Will Seidel

(Editor’s note: Members of Boy Scout Troop 223 sent letters to the News in order to finish a requirement for a merit badge. We appreciate their letters and welcome all Palisadians to express a point of view.)

Palisades News welcomes all letters, which may be emailed to Please include a name, address and telephone number so we may reach you. Letters do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Palisades News.

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