Applications for Area and At-large Representative positions now welcome
Submitted by the Pacific Palisades Community Council
Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) is pleased to announce that the candidate application process is now open for community members interested in serving as PPCC Area Representative or At-large Representative.
There are eight positions for which Palisadians can run for Area Representative (one from each area/neighborhood of the Palisades delineated by the PPCCMaps on, and one position for At-large Representative. Elected Reps will serve a two-year term on the PPCCBoard.
The Palisades is divided into eight neighborhoods in which each Area Representative is responsible for serving. The Area Representative must reside within the specified area boundaries as detailed on the PPCC website at The At-large Representative serves the entire community and must live, own property or run a business within Pacific Palisades.
Area and At-large Representatives will be the voice of their constituents, bring issues to the PPCC, learn first-hand about policy and land-use topics affecting the Palisades and vote on matters of community-wide interest.
All interested parties must submit a candidate’s statement with a current photograph in digital format. These will be included in election materials to be publicly distributed. The statement shall not exceed 200 words, shall include a position statement on issues the candidate believes are important to the community and/or to his or her area, and must include the candidate’s email address as well as specific information, per the bylaws. Please see additional requirements under the Candidate Statements section from excerpts of our bylaws below, or on our website at
More information: see p. 2 for incumbents running in the election and additional definitions re eligibility and candidate requirements.
Statements must be submitted via email to no later than one hour before the scheduled start of the PPCC Meeting on July 28, 2022, to be held starting at 6pm by Zoom video conference (i.e., statements must be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on July 28). [Note: submission by other methods identified in Attachment A, e.g., hand-delivery or text message to the Chair, is not practical and therefore will not be accepted.]
For specific candidate application requirements and procedures, please view the PPCC Bylaws, Attachment A (pp. 29-36); for Area boundaries, see Appendix B (pp. 22-24): Questions? Contact The election of Area and At-large Representatives will take place later in August, during which time voting is open to the entire community. Look for more details in the coming weeks.
Note: All seats are open, whether or not the incumbent is running. Incumbents are running in Areas 2, 3, 4 and 8 and for the At-large seat. Incumbents are not running in Areas 1, 5, 6 and 7.
Selected Excerpts from PPCC Bylaws & Attachment A (Election Procedures)
Definitions re Eligibility and Requirements for Candidate Statements
Bylaws, Art. III, Secs. J-K:
J. “RESIDENT” shall mean a person whose Principal Residence is within Pacific Palisades.
K. “PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE” shall mean (1) voter registration address; (2) automobile registration home address, (3) the address where one normally returns after work or after a temporary absence while at school, or (4) the place where one has spent the major portion of time within the prior twelve (12) months.
Bylaws, Appendix C, Standing Rule 11: (see full statement online)
SR-11: For purposes of these Bylaws and Attachment A hereto, an individual who operates a business shall mean either the owner of record of the business or the person who has primary responsibility for management of the day-to-day operations of the business (the Manager) who shall be deemed the individual who is eligible to become a candidate for the office of At-large Representative or vote in the election for At-large Representative.
Attachment A to Bylaws, Sec. 3.G:
G. Candidate Application and Statement. Each Candidate’s Application and Statement shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. In the case of a candidate for Area Representative,
a) Number of years as a Resident
b) Number of years as a Resident in the area for which the candidate is seeking election.
c) Number of years at current Principal Residence and that address.
2. In the case of a candidate for At-large Representative, the current Principal Residence address, business street address or address of real property owned in Pacific Palisades, and number of years at that address.
3. The candidate’s email address and, if available, any campaign website address (optional); candidates may also submit campaign website addresses to the Chair by electronic delivery no later than 2:00 p.m. on the day after the July PPCC Meeting, i.e., by 2:00 p.m. on July 29. [Note: submission must be via email as explained on p. 1, above.]
4. Position on issues the candidate believes are of importance to the Community or to the candidate’s area.
Maximum of 200 words. If a Statement is over 200 words, it will be edited by the Chair or the Chair’s designee. Email and (optional) campaign website addresses shall not count toward the 200-word maximum.